Work with us

Why You Should Consider a Career with Us

Redefining Remarkable

A career at Njunkim Legal means complex work, unique challenges and inspiring results. It also means real collaboration and a supportive environment where you’ll learn and grow professionally and personally—and even have some fun along the way.

Robust Mentoring Programme

From frequent lunch-and-learns, a robust mentoring program and tailored practice group trainings to our groundbreaking Njunkim Legal, we take your professional development seriously.

Amplify your career

Exceptional people join Njunkim Legal. Then we help them take things to a whole new level.

Whether you’re a Fresh Law Grad or a seasoned attorney, we provide you with an ongoing training and development that reinforces a foundation for your career trajectory. You’ll build new skills, hone your instincts and learn valuable knowledge that will enhance your work and advance your career.

Shooting for the STARS in your Law Career? Start Here!

We’re proud of the diverse backgrounds of the attorneys we hire—and we’re especially proud of their outstanding skills. 

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